Sharing the joy of birds and nature is at the core of everything we do at Wild Birds Unlimited. We love playing an active role in the local community by hosting bird walks and giving educational presentations.

Bird Talks

We host 1-2 bird or nature-related presentations each month in our North Eugene store. Due to space and chair limitations we do ask that you register in advance by calling 541-505-9563. We send emails and post on Facebook about a week in advance for each talk, so if you are interested in coming to future talks, please make sure we have your updated email address or that you follow our store pages on Facebook. We have enough chairs that we can make sure folks with need for a chair have one saved for them. We now host these talks at the North store as it allows for easier parking, better room for chair spacing, and easier access in general.

Bird Walks and Outings

We offer bird outings and walks throughout the year. The best way to stay up to date on what outings are planned is to be on our email list.

We want to make bird outings enjoyable for ALL interested in joining us, so each outing usually has two leaders, and can accommodate participant's with varying mobility or other challengers, travel rates or need for accommodations. We will be listing the walk features and characteristics for each location to allow potential participants to determine if the outing is right for them. AND, we are happy to talk to you if you need more information than is provided! Call and ask to have Barbara call you back if she is not present when you call. We want everyone to enjoy birds at home AND in our community, and we plan to do our best to make that possible!

We also coordinate with local organizations to offer walks for all mobility levels and have been working with the McKenzie River Trust to coordinate all-abilities outings at their properties on a mostly quarterly basis.

Local Birding Options

Vaux’s Swift Watch at Sunset – Spring and Fall
The northbound Vaux’s Swifts arrive from the south in April, and their timing varies. For many years, they have used the Agate Hall chimney to roost for the night as they gather to feed and recover after migration from the south. Agate Hall is on the University of Oregon campus at 17th Avenue and Agate Street, inside the fence by the alley.

Lane County Audubon Society Bird Walk • 1st & 3rd Saturday
Lane County Audubon Society hosts two bird walks per month. The walk on the 1st Saturday of the month is reserved for women, BIPOC, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The walk on the 3rd Saturday of the month is open to all. Birders of all levels and backgrounds are welcome. Visit their site to confirm walks are happening at:

BOGS (Birds of Oregon and General Science)
Begun as a class through senior centers, Lane Community College and elsewhere, it's now a volunteer-led informal group that offers bird walks and presentations by area naturalists. Walk information in sent by email.
• MEETINGS/Science presentations: 1st & 3rd Thurs., 9am-11am at Willamalane Adult Activity Center, 215 W. C St., Springfield. Phone: 541-736-4444
• BIRD WALKS: 2nd and 4th THURSDAYS; 8am-11am, Sept. -June; 9-Noon, June-Aug.
No fee or membership requirement to attend BOGS events. Bird walk Destinations and leaders are announced via our weekly Tuesday email to members. We recommend getting on our email list by coming to a BOGS meeting or writing to Priscilla at

Mt Pisgah Arboretum Bird Walks
Monthly bird walk intended for people with all levels of birding experience - rain or shine. Registration is required, cost is $5, but free for members. For more details and registration links please go to their website at:

Places to Birdwatch on Your Own

"Birding Eugene" Links to Hotspots
This on-line guide to birding sites in the Eugene area was developed by a group of birders associated with Lane County Audubon, and is maintained by Art Farley (thanks, Art!). This guide will help you find the finest places to observe area birds.

Fern Ridge Reservoir, west of Eugene -
The Fern Ridge area just west of Eugene centers on a reservoir, but includes marsh, woodland, and grassland. So while waterfowl and shorebirds are one point of focus, Fern Ridge is a fine overall site for all kinds of birds, as evidenced by its lengthy species list. Parts of the area may be closed at times to protect waterfowl or for hunting season.

Delta Ponds, near Valley River Center, Eugene -
Known for their fantastic wildlife viewing, birdwatching, wildflowers, and walking-running trails, the Delta Ponds are one of Eugene, Oregon’s best-known recreation areas. This 150-acre network of ponds, sloughs, and waterways near Valley River Center act as a haven for wildlife of all kinds. Over 100 species of birds have been recorded here and the adjacent stretches of the Willamette River host numerous fish and aquatic wildlife, including the threatened Western Pond Turtle.

Birding Resources

OBOL Postings (hosted by Oregon Birding Association) — Oregon Birders On-Line (OBOL)
This is a list-serv traditionally used by many Oregon birders to report their bird sightings. Fewer birders are posting here now, however, as more birders are using apps like WhatsApp. To sign up on OBOL, go to:
To search the archives to the present:

Many birders as mentioned are using messaging apps like WhatsApp, to share real-time bird information. These groups are a faster way to share sighting information and are helpful in locating particularly interesting birds. To locate groups you might want to join, check this page from the Oregon Birding Association:

Other Local Birding Groups
There are several local birding groups that regularly go birding in the Eugene-Springfield area. Some are for retired folks as they go out on weekdays, but contact us for more information about the BOGS group or the Wednesday Birding group.

Birding Around Oregon -

Merlin Bird ID app
Merlin has several ways to help you identify birds, either by answering questions, using their song ID or looking at photos. You can also save your Life List of Birds and explore lists of birds near you. Merlin is getting more accurate over time, but does still misidentify birds at times, so if it is a rare bird for you area, it may not be a correct ID.

Injured Birds or Mammals

Sadly, Eugene no longer has a all-animal wildlife rescue organization; Cascades Raptor Center specializes in raptor rehab only.

Chintimini Wildlife Rehabilitation - 541-745-5324
Chintimini in Corvallis is our nearest resource for help for injured wild non-raptorial birds, mammals, herps and reptiles. Their wildlife hospital is often VERY busy, but often is able to accept animals and birds. Make sure to CALL before taking an animal there: Chintimini Wildlife Hotline: 541-745-5324

Cascades Raptor Center - 541-485-BIRD
If you have found an injured hawk, owl or other raptor, call Cascades Raptor Center.

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